Carnaval and The First Year of this Blog

Este post é em inglês porque a querida Mags do AustenBlog me citou por lá! Elogiou a montagem que fiz sobre Austen e o carnaval! 🙂


This post is an english version of the last two posts: ‘Happy Carnival’ and ‘Today is the blog’s birthday’. I have just entered in my blog and checked what people said about the posts in portuguese when I perceived so many people from around the world visited the blog this morning. The reason is because dear Mags posted about Jane Austen Club at AustenBlog!! That’s wonderful!! Thanks!

Here are the posts translated into English:

Happy Carnival

Most of brazilians love carnival! They like to travel and to dance all night long! Other people – including myself – like to relax at home! I wish everybody a happy carnival! Lots of party for those who like it, or tranquil for those who want relax!

I can’t say I’m going to relax because next march, 12 I will present my master dissertation, so I have to study!
I dress up my Jane Austen action figure using my daughter’s costume. I decided to put lots of colors in the picture doing a scrapbooking. I’m sorry if I used so many accessories and colors, I’m still learning how to use it!

In the picture below, I decided to use Bennet’s sisters as inspiration because they really liked balls, isn’t it? Why don’t creat a masquerade ball?

Today is the Blog’s Birthday

Today is a very important day for this blog! We celebrate one year! I started this blog because I am member (since 2006) of Orkut’s community (Orgulho e Preconceito). Last year, there were many topics from people asking about Jane Austen and her works that I decided to start this blog to post all the information they need. I posted two summarized biography about Austen and the links to her digital books.

From may to december (2008) I lived a very creative, tiring and stressful time, because i had to interpret and write my master’s dissertation. Because of this reason, this blog didn’t received so many posts as I wished, but still received many visitors.

Some months ago I put a poll in order to know what books the visitors had read. Below there is a picture from the last day this poll was online (January, o3rd 2009).

Persuasão = Persuasion

Orgulho e Preconceito = Pride and Prejudice

Razão e Sensibilidade = Sense and Sensibility

Abadia de Northanger = Northanger Abbey
Today, I just want to thank the visitors (more than 100 per day) for such nice comments!
I want to thank all my followers and friend who gave me the stamps to this blog (recognizing my work here).
I wish to send hugs to my friends at Orkut’s communities: Jane Austen, Jane Austen-Livros e Filmes, Orgulho e Preconceito Fanfics, Orgulho e Preconceito 1, Orgulho e Preconceito 2, Jane Austen – Português, e Séries da BBC.
And hugs to my friends from Chá Cultural e do Chá com Jane Austen!
I wish to to thank for the new friendship that started here! Hugs to Genilda Azeredo and the visitors from around the world, such as: Heather M. Laurence, Laurie Viera Rigler, Jeanne Kiefer, Mags do AustenBlog, Jane Austen Today, JASA, Professora Nadine do JASBA, Sheryl Craig do JASNA, Becky do Jane Austen UK!

11 thoughts on “Carnaval and The First Year of this Blog

  1. Sue 24/02/2009 / 2:12 PM

    Congratulations on one year! Best Wishes from Wisconsin, USA!


  2. Adriana Zardini 24/02/2009 / 2:27 PM

    Thanks Sue for visiting us!!Everytime I heard about Wisconsin I remember the tv series “The Seventy’s show”. 🙂


  3. Deb R. 24/02/2009 / 3:12 PM

    Happy Anniversary! Jane looks very festive in her Carnival costume. Good luck with your Master’s. –Deb R. in Virginia, USA


  4. Stephen Fry 26/02/2009 / 8:48 AM

    Adriana, parabéns! O seu blog faz a diferença na Internet, e desejo que ele ainda faça muitos anos de vida, nos trazendo informações sobre a nossa querida Jane Austen. Adorei a Mags ter citado você no blog dela! Tá famosa, hein! 😀Beijos,Elaine.


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